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Managing UAT (User Acceptance Testing)

DURATION: 16 hours (2 days)

Course Description

User acceptance testing is the critical final quality gate before a system is implemented. UAT Team's top responsibility is to ensure that not only does the system meet the business objectives, but that all previous testing phases have been carried out so that the business can be confident that the system will deliver what is required.

This training provides attendees with knowledge on how to plan and manage user acceptance testing. It emphasizes how the test process integrates with the system development life cycle and the critical role that user acceptance testing fulfills.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Plan and manage user acceptance testing.

  • Perform project and product risk analysis.

  • Redirect project activities based on the results of ongoing analysis.

  • Develop an understanding of the criticality of the UAT process in the development and implementation of software products.

Who Should Attend

Anyone responsible for, or involved in managing user acceptance testing. Anyone wishing to understand the role of user acceptance testing within the systems development life cycle. 

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